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Acton CEVC Primary School

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Year 2 Hedgehogs

Welcome to the home of the Hedgehogs



  • PE is on Wednesdays and Thursdays

  • Spellings are handed out on Fridays (for the following Friday)

  • Reading books need to be brought in daily and children should be reading most days

  • is a great website for improving maths ability/speed

  • We use Purple Mash in computing but you can play along at home.

Summer Term!

Our first day together!

Welcome to the home of the Hedgehogs 2022-23!

  • PE is on Wednesdays and Thursdays

  • Spellings are handed out on Fridays (for the following Friday)

  • Reading books need to be brought in daily and children should be reading most days

  • is a great website for improving maths ability/speed

  • We use Purple Mash in computing but you can play along at home.

Timetable / Long Term Plan

Photos from Spring Term!

What we have been up to this Autumn Term!

First Week!

Welcome to the home of Hedgehogs 2021-22!


Spring Term

Below you will find photos of what we have been up to since Christmas:

  • Various science experiments including testing friction of materials using toy cars, bridge building and testing materials for water absorption 
  • Mental health week - planting seeds
  • Purple Mash - digital art unit and other one-off tasks 
  • Hedgehogs sharing their love of reading 

Autumn Term!


Below, you will see some photos of some of the exciting things that we have been up to, including:

  • Using equipment in gymnastics to create sequences
  • Various photos from inter-faith week - bracelet making, 5 pillars of Islam
  • Sock puppets
  • Numbots
  • Creating seaside landscapes
  • Vinegar rocket launching
  • Animal hunt
  • Christingle service

Welcome back to school and welcome to Hedgehog Class. Over the upcoming weeks and months, I’ll upload photos and interesting snippets of what the children in Year 2 get up to! Watch this space…


Hedgehogs 2020-2021

Christmas Jumper Day

Autumn Term:

Here is a little more information about what we have covered during the Autumn Term this year.



  • Newspaper reports all about the Gunpowder Plot
  • Nonsense Poetry
  • Labels, lists and captions featuring 'Traction Man'
  • Stories from the billabong - we wrote our own version of 'Why Frogs Can Only Croak'
  • Stories from a familiar setting - 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea'
  • Dear Teacher - letters about why we can't come into school


  • Number & place value - tens and ones, the value of numbers
  • Addition & subtraction - concrete resources, number lines and column method
  • Multiplication and division - 2, 5, 10 times tables


  • Who Guy Fawkes was and all about the Gunpowder Plot.
  • What life was like in London in the 1600s.
  • Firework safety.
  • Firework art


  • Animals in Australia
  • Australian weather
  • What it is like to live in Australia as opposed to the UK
  • Aboriginal art


  • Baby animals, healthy eating, exercise, keeping clean
  • Everyday materials and their uses
  • Friction experiment
  • Absorption experiment
  • Bridge building experiment


  • Ball skills
  • Dance
  • Running


  • Relationships
  • Valuing difference