Year 2 Hedgehogs
Welcome to the home of the Hedgehogs
PE is on Wednesdays and Thursdays
Spellings are handed out on Fridays (for the following Friday)
Reading books need to be brought in daily and children should be reading most days is a great website for improving maths ability/speed
We use Purple Mash in computing but you can play along at home.
Summer Term!
Spring Term!
Autumn Term!
Our first day together!
Welcome to the home of the Hedgehogs 2022-23!
PE is on Wednesdays and Thursdays
Spellings are handed out on Fridays (for the following Friday)
Reading books need to be brought in daily and children should be reading most days is a great website for improving maths ability/speed
We use Purple Mash in computing but you can play along at home.
Timetable / Long Term Plan
Hollow Trees Trip!
Photos from Spring Term!
What we have been up to this Autumn Term!
First Week!
Welcome to the home of Hedgehogs 2021-22!
Summer term
Spring Term
Below you will find photos of what we have been up to since Christmas:
- Various science experiments including testing friction of materials using toy cars, bridge building and testing materials for water absorption
- Mental health week - planting seeds
- Purple Mash - digital art unit and other one-off tasks
- Hedgehogs sharing their love of reading
Spring Term Photos
Autumn Term!
Below, you will see some photos of some of the exciting things that we have been up to, including:
- Using equipment in gymnastics to create sequences
- Various photos from inter-faith week - bracelet making, 5 pillars of Islam
- Sock puppets
- Numbots
- Creating seaside landscapes
- Vinegar rocket launching
- Animal hunt
- Christingle service
Autumn Term 2
Autumn Term 1 Photos:
Welcome back to school and welcome to Hedgehog Class. Over the upcoming weeks and months, I’ll upload photos and interesting snippets of what the children in Year 2 get up to! Watch this space…
Key bits of info!
Hedgehogs 2020-2021
Sports Day!
Summer term!
Christmas Jumper Day
Autumn Term:
Here is a little more information about what we have covered during the Autumn Term this year.
- Newspaper reports all about the Gunpowder Plot
- Nonsense Poetry
- Labels, lists and captions featuring 'Traction Man'
- Stories from the billabong - we wrote our own version of 'Why Frogs Can Only Croak'
- Stories from a familiar setting - 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea'
- Dear Teacher - letters about why we can't come into school
- Number & place value - tens and ones, the value of numbers
- Addition & subtraction - concrete resources, number lines and column method
- Multiplication and division - 2, 5, 10 times tables
- Who Guy Fawkes was and all about the Gunpowder Plot.
- What life was like in London in the 1600s.
- Firework safety.
- Firework art
- Animals in Australia
- Australian weather
- What it is like to live in Australia as opposed to the UK
- Aboriginal art
- Baby animals, healthy eating, exercise, keeping clean
- Everyday materials and their uses
- Friction experiment
- Absorption experiment
- Bridge building experiment
- Ball skills
- Dance
- Running
- Relationships
- Valuing difference