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Acton CEVC Primary School

Strive. Support. Succeed

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At Acton CEVC Primary School, our curriculum is designed to be broad and balanced. It equips our children to widen their horizons and realise talents, develop their character, resilience and well-being, and to enrich their learning through an understanding of diversity.  Our curriculum allows children to develop cultural capital which prepares them to succeed academically and engage successfully in wider society.



The Acton curriculum is based on the development of both skills and knowledge. We believe that it is vital that these are developed alongside each other as they are intrinsically linked. Our curriculum is designed to make strong links between and across all year groups and is progressive, building on and enriching children’s learning throughout their time in school. We assess our children’s knowledge and understanding at the beginning and ending of each discrete learning sequence, so that their progress is visible for all to see.

Our school is at the heart of a local community that is rich in historical and geographical significance and, therefore, our curriculum is led by the humanities. The local history, heritage and geographical links, including the disused WW2 airfield at RAF Sudbury, studying Thomas Gainsborough and the River Stour, are an inherent part of our curriculum design, creating learning which is relevant and unique to the children at our school.




Educational visits, immersion days and outdoor learning are at the heart of our thematic, enriched curriculum; we believe that exposure to these first hand experiences equip our children with lifelong skills that enhance and embed their learning.

Parental, community and Church involvement is an essential part of our curriculum. We endeavour to educate the children and school community so that they will go forward to be a positive influence on society and the environment in which they live.



Children leave our school with enquiring minds and embedded life skills. They are secondary ready and are well-prepared to strive, support and succeed.


Additional Initiatives

We have a range of initiatives that support the intentions outlined above including our Church School values programme, our SCARF curriculum and our holistic approach to wellbeing using Zones of Regulation and Emotion Coaching.


