Faith Council
Acton CEVC Primary School Faith Council is made up of ten children from Key Stage 2. All of the children in KS2 are invited to apply each academic year by writing a statement of interest as to why they would like to be part of the team. The children apply to be a part of Faith Council, explaining the skills and qualities they would bring to the role and how they would like to contribute. They may also wish for it to be an opportunity for growth, such as to build their confidence when talking in front of an audience.
Once our Faith Council has been chosen, the children lead a whole school collective worship every fortnight. This involves dedicated rehearsal time, creating PowerPoint presentations, and gathering costumes and props beforehand. During the collective worship, the children lead each section, from explaining the message of the story, narrating and acting, to reading the prayer. The children also ask questions at the end to prompt thinking. They explore the key themes and values shown and allow the school to reflect on what they have listened to and watched.
The chosen Bible story each fortnight is themed around our school value for the half term, such as courage or humility. We also make connections to our school vision statement and consider how each principle was reflected in the story we have performed.
Supporting our school and community
Alongside our fortnightly collective worship, Faith Council also support our school and community in other ways.
Before Christmas, Faith Council wrote a letter to the village shop asking for donations of oranges for the Christingle service at All Saints Church. Several of the children also attended the Sunday service and completed readings and prayers to support Rev. Faith.
Faith Council have met with local Headteachers and R.E. Co-ordinators to discuss the role of Faith Council in our school. They are able to share ideas and clearly communicate the benefits of a Faith Council to help other local schools on their journey.
Faith Council work alongside Rev. Faith, who visits our school weekly, to ensure that we are supporting and reflecting the values and messages she imparts in her collective worship.
Writing our Whole School Friday prayer
Every Friday, we celebrate all of the children in the school who have strived, supported and succeeded during the week. Even if we are not presented with a certificate, we like to take a moment of reflection to consider where we have followed our school values in the week and the difference we have made. After this, we share in a whole school prayer.
Faith Council worked together to write the school prayer, using the school motto and vision statement to inspire our thoughts. We discussed important themes to include and then used these ideas to finalise our prayer.
Dear Lord,
As we come to the end of our school week, let us reflect upon times when we have strived to achieve, supported each other and succeeded.
We look forward to taking a break from school, spending time with our families and friends and creating new memories
At school and at home, help us to follow in the words of Saint Peter to ‘be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble’.