"When talking at the book at 'Knuffle Bunny', I pronounced it K-nuffle Bunny. L corrected me, explaining that the ‘K’ is a 'silent ghost' letter so I mustn't say it".
At Acton CEVC Primary School, we understand that systematic, synthetic Phonics is the most effective way of teaching young children to read, developing the skills and perseverance they need to tackle the reading of new words.
In EYFS and Key Stage One, children experience a daily Phonics session which follows the 'Monster Phonics' programme. However, we firmly that believe that for Phonics to be most effective, it must be embedded across all areas of the curriculum and we strive to make links wherever possible. We support children in groups to take part in daily guided reading sessions. These sessions consolidate the children’s learning from the Monster Phonics sessions and also give the children a chance to practice blending and segmenting skills.
We are committed to ensuring that most children succeed at becoming fluent readers by the end of Key Stage One.
Monster Phonics is a DfE validated child-centred phonics programme. The approach is meaningful, interactive, and easy to understand, creating high engagement. The systematic colour-coding of graphemes linked to phoneme monsters makes phonics easier to understand. The activities are multisensory requiring reading, writing, singing and actions. Children also love the monsters, who bring phonics to life!