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Acton CEVC Primary School

Strive. Support. Succeed

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Welcome to our Governors' section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.  Should you wish to contact the Chair of Governors directly please email 


Our school financial performance is published annually by the Government and you can view this information by clicking here.  

We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.


If you are interested in understanding more about the role of school governors or are interested in joining our Governors then please email the school using or contact Govern Suffolk by clicking here.

Message from the Chair of Governors 


The Governors recognise that the school must constantly strive to improve and innovate to ensure the best possible outcomes for its pupils. The Governing Body is heavily involved in the creation of the School’s Improvement Plan and acts as a ‘critical friend’ in all matters. The Governors are part of the leadership of the school and are integral to strategic planning. Governors both support and challenge the Headteacher and senior staff to ensure that the school performs as well as it should and that all pupils have the very best opportunity to learn & grow.


Working very closely with the Headteacher, the Governing Body is ultimately responsible for the curriculum delivery, the school’s finances, personnel matters and also maintaining the school premises. The Headteacher and staff are responsible for the planning, teaching and monitoring of the National Curriculum and the day-to-day running of the school. The Governors, Headteacher and staff work in partnership to promote the aims of the school.


In short, the Governing Body’s aim is to ensure Acton CEVC Primary School provides its pupils the best educational start in life helping them to become happy, confident individuals who are given every opportunity to reach their potential.


If you have any questions, comments, feedback or general observations concerning our Governing Body and would like to talk to me, then please contact me through the School Office. 



Mr. Duncan Lang




Mr Jonathan Gray - Headteacher

I have been a governor since November 2016 and have worked at the school since September 2014.

Prior to being appointed Headteacher my role was Deputy Headteacher and assessment coordinator, having worked in primary schools of various sizes and differing locations over my career.

As a member of staff at the school, I have a keen interest in the ensuring the school is governed in the best possible way to ensure the children are given every opportunity to develop and make progress.

Being the assessment coordinator, my role on the Governing Body was concerned with the attainment and progress of the children. This will become more important in my wider role as Headteacher as I prepare reports which outline the latest strengths and areas for development of the school for my fellow governors and answer any questions that may arise.  


The Governors of Acton CEVC Primary School

Governing Body Membership: Autumn 2024 Last updated 10 December 2024


Category of Governor

Term of Office

Named Governor

Roles and Responsibilities

Register of Interests


Mr. Kester Webb

Parent Governor

4 Years

Ends 7 December 2028

Resources Committee 


Mrs Kate Hart

Co- opted Governor

4 Years

Ends Oct 2025



SEND Funding


Rev Faith Marsden

Ex Officio


Until such time as she relinquishes the office

which entitled them

to their appointment.

Church School Development



Future Vision
Mr Duncan LangCo-opted Governor

4 years

Ends 7 Dec 2026

Chair of Governors

Headteacher Performance Review

Attendance and Behaviour




Miss Danielle ParmenterParent Governor

4 years

Ends 2 Nov 2025


Pupil Premium Funding                    


Rev Caroline Hallett


Foundation Governor


4 Years

ends 1 Aug 2025



Headteacher’s Performance Review




Mr Charles VernonCo-opted Governor

4 Years

Ends 6 July 2026


Resources Committee


Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers Charitable Funds


Right to Dream. International Football organisation of Schools, Academies and Clubs.

Mrs Carolyn Silberfeld



4 Years

Ends 22 March 2027

Vice Chair

Standards Committee



Miss Tabitha Carter



4 Years

Ends 22 March 2027

Resources Committee None
Mr. Chris EynonCo-opted Governor

4 years

Ends 10 Dec 2028

Resources Committee



Mr Jonathan Gray

Ex Officio



Until such time as he relinquishes the office

which entitled them

to their appointment.




Mrs Anna Garrod

Staff Governor

4 Years 

Ends December 2027

Resources Committee None


 Full Governing Body Meeting Register 2023-2024


GovernorAutumn Spring Summer 
Mrs K Hart   
Mrs. D Parmenter   
Mr D Lang   
Mr J. Gray   
Rev C. Hallett   
Mr B. Moult   
Mr C Vernon   
Mrs C Silberfeld   
Mrs D. Warner   
Mrs. C. Anderson   
Ms T Carter   
Rev F. Marsden   



