Ofsted and Performance Data
OfSTED Inspection 2023
Our school was last inspected by OfSTED in April 2023.
We are very proud of our report, which included the following points:
- Acton pupils are proud of their school. This shines through in their welcome to visitors and in their eagerness to explain their learning . Pupils understand the school motto, Strive, Support, Succeed. They know how this contributes to their progress and to school life.
- Pupils are kind to each other. They feel safe in school and trust adults to deal with any concerns. Bullying is rare.
- Pupils try hard because leaders want them to do their best. Those pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well alongside their peers.
- Children in the early stages of learning to read get help to catch up if they fall behind.
- Pupils are taught the principles of good behaviour . They respond well to leaders’ high expectations.
- Early years children settle into well established routines.
- Positive relationships are at the heart of the school community.
If you would like to read the full report, please click on the link below.
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SIAMS Report May 2024
The inspection findings indicate that Acton Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School is living up to its foundation as a Church school.
- The carefully considered and specifically crafted Christian vision is the basis of all decision making, action and policy. It enables those in the school community to thrive as they are supported through challenge to overcome and succeed.
- Leaders ensure that the wellbeing of individuals is at the heart of all that they do. The provision of strategically planned, quality, targeted mental health and pastoral support enables pupils, staff and families to flourish.
- The curriculum and the school environment have been designed to promote spiritual development enabling pupils to reflect and question. As a result, pupils are confident to share their views and thoughts on a range of issues and ideas.
- Pupil leaders are proud to deliver worship and unanimously describe their growth in selfconfidence and biblical understanding in this role.
- Leaders have ensured that staff are well-trained and supported to teach religious education (RE). As a result, staff are confident and enthusiastic about the subject and pupils are engaged in their learning.