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Acton CEVC Primary School

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Year 3 Elephants


On Thursday 25th April, Year 3 enjoyed a trip to the Suffolk Farm and Country Fair. During the day we visited some animals to pet, and also to hold, in the case of some adorable ducklings and chicks; tasted different foods such as mushy peas and some farmhouse cheese; milked a 'cow'; watched the sheep shearing; learnt about machinery and how products get from the farm to our dinner tables.  We also enjoyed a tractor and trailer ride to finish the day in style. The whole event was filled with exciting new fats to learn, activities to take part in, and new experiences to try. We had a brilliant day, and the children were impeccably behaved (a point picked up on by our lovely steward, Abbie). Thank you to all of the adult helpers who came with us on our trip- it wouldn't be possible without you, so thank you.
The fantastic, Victorian and Dickensian play of 'Olivia' was performed by Year 3 and 4 on April 1st and 2nd. The children sang, acted and spoke beautifully and should be so proud of all of the hard work they put in. To view a slideshow of pictures of the performance, click the link to visit the 'Meerkats' class page.

Easter Cross Exhibition

In R.E. we discussed the symbol of the cross and why it is important to Christians. We thought about the Easter Story and the
sacrifice Jesus made for everyone. 
Year 3 and 4 then spent the afternoon gathering natural materials outside to make an exhibition of cross designs on the school field. We carefully chose the materials, as each one represented part of the Easter story. For example, red leaves represented blood, or a thorny stick represented the crown of thorns which Jesus was made to wear.

Arger Fen (3.4.19)

On Wednesday, Year 3 donned their wellington boots and waterproof coats and headed over to Arger Fen. We had a fantastic day exploring in nature, and even avoided the hail, thanks to a handily timed lunch break! We spent the morning walking and finding different plants which we marked off on our sheet. Then we 'hugged a tree' to get to know the trees in the vicinity, before exploring them further by taking bark rubbings, examining the leaves and buds, and also working out the age of the tree, by measuring its girth and dividing that number by 2.5. After this we went on a minibeast hunt and used magnifying pots to explore the local wildlife. We found many an ant, as well as a woodlouse, and even a newt! In the afternoon, we learnt about compass directions and followed a set of instructions using these to eventually (after a VERY steep slope), find some delicious sweetie treasure!

A lovely day back in nature was had by all, and we were even presented with a beautiful book as a gift from the Suffolk Wildlife Trust. Thank you to all of the adults who supported our trip, and helped to make it possible.

Clay: Woolly Mammoths

Year 3 enjoyed an afternoon of clay with local potter, Mrs Mallows. We learnt how to create thumb pots, which then transformed into the head and body of a mammoth! We learnt a variety of techniques to smooth the clay, and use slip to get two pieces to stick together. The mammoth was quite a tricky challenge, but with hard work and perseverance, we saw some fantastic results. We are excited to get them back from the kiln very soon.
On October 10th, Year 3 were delighted to be joined by Portals to the Past for an exciting day learning about the Stone Age. We came to school all dressed up in our Stone Age outfits and partook in a variety of activities over the course of the day. We began by learning about the evolution of man; before learning how to hunt and gather. This involved throwing 'spears' at a 'deer', and gathering the non poisonous fruits and berries. Later, we built Stonehenge using blocks, climbed through a tunnel to mine for bronze, and had a battle against another tribe! An informative, and exciting day all round!

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