Year 3 Elephants
Welcome to the Elephants 2023-24
Welcome to the Elephants 2022-23
Suffolk Farm and Country Fair: Trinity Park
On Thursday 20th April, Year 3 excitedly made their way to the coach, bubbling with excitement about, what for many of them, was their very first school trip! We drove over to Trinity Park in Ipswich, where we began our day looking at farm machinery. One of the tractors was being driven by a man wearing a blindfold! Thankfully, we learn that transmitters up in space were directing his travel, so we weren't about to get squished. During our walk round we heard a loud helicopter overhead, and as we looked up we were able to see the royal helicopter land as the Duchess of Edinburgh arrived to visit the show. After all of the machinery talks, we walked through to the animal barns. In there we met a Suffolk Punch, Shetland ponies, sheep, goats and pigs. We were allowed to stroke all of the animals which seemed very calm despite the 3500 children at the fair. Then came the very important matter of lunchtime! We sat by the outside ring in the sunshine and even managed to watch the horse and hound display. Afterwards, we went into the food halls, where we sampled sausages, learnt about oilseed rape, eggs and even made our own compost bins. Finally, we headed off for a tractor and trailer ride before seeing the Air Ambulance take off. We had a brilliant time, and thank you so much to all the staff who accompanied us on the day, and to our Elephant families for their patience at the end of the day.
Autumn Newsletter
Spring 1
Welcome to the Elephants 2021-22
D.T.: Ancient Greek Food
Jubilee Art Inspired by Andy Warhol
Suffolk Farming School Competition: Semi Final

Bradfield Woods

We travelled to Bradfield Woods as part of our Geography unit learning all about the U.K. and specifically our county of Suffolk. We learned all about the Woods and how to trace animals, as well as building bug hotels and habitats after our very own minibeast hunt! We also completed a treasure hunt using compasses to guide our way. It was a fantastic trip out with lots of geographical learning!
Ancient Egypt- Mummification Experiment
Music in Year 3
Spring Term Newsletter
DECEMBER 2021: Recorder Performances
Year 3 have been learning the recorder with Mrs Butcher all term. This half term, they have been rehearsing three tunes- two of them rather festive! Please enjoy watching the children concentrate so hard on their performance and listen to their careful detail in the tunes. Some children are not shown on camera, but can still be heard playing. Well done Elephants and Mrs Butcher- what a fantastic achievement!

Jingle Bells