At Acton CEVC Primary School, we provide a broad and balanced curriculum where learning develops from:
- Trips, visitors and first hand experiences;
- Curriculum days;
- Stimulating learning environments;
- Opportunities to create, perform and compete;
- Making links between areas of learning;
- Recognising our place in the community.
The aim of Geography at Acton CEVC Primary is:
- to enable children to gain knowledge and understanding of places in the world;
- to increase children’s knowledge of other cultures and, in so doing, teach a respect and understanding of what it means to be a positive citizen in a multi-cultural country;
- to allow children to learn geographical skills, including how to use, draw and interpret maps;
- to enable children to know and understand environmental problems at a local, regional and global level;
- to encourage in children a commitment to sustainable development, and an appreciation of what ‘global citizenship’ means;
- to develop in children a variety of other skills, including those of enquiry, problem solving, ICT, investigation, and that of presenting their conclusions in the most appropriate way.
We offer a rich and varied range of teaching approaches to achieve these ends, always striving to challenge every one of our pupils to make the maximum progress regardless of their starting point, with an understanding that different levels of support may be required to help them achieve their goals.
What Year 2 say about Geography
"I like learning about Felixstowe and how it has a fort and a big pier that stretches into the sea. I want to find out even more about what a port is."
"It's important to find out how boats and ports work. It helps us understand maps and how places change, like when the Dutch invaded!"