Royal Shakespeare Company Project
'On the 21st of November, Year 5 and 6 watched the live performance of Romeo and Juliet in the morning. We all enjoyed it because the play was more of a modern day version of it and we are now part of the RSC project.' (Teira Year 6)
We are now part of an exciting project, running in conjunction with The Royal Shakespeare Company.
Many of you will know that our oldest children regularly perform Shakespeare plays as their end of Year performance. We are usually lucky enough to be invited to perform at the Theatre at OSA, which provides our children with an amazing opportunity to experience the thrill of giving a real performance. OSA are thrilled to have been selected as an RSC Associate School this year—one of only 25 in the country- and we will have the privilege of working with them on this project. This began with a live screening from the RSC of Romeo and Juliet - our study for this year.