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Acton CEVC Primary School

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Trim Trail

After years of hard work, dedication and fundraising, today (21st June) we excitedly opened our new trim trial. 

Steph Peddel, FOAS Chair, and Iain McFadden, a Landscape Designer from Vertas, were invited into school to cut the ribbon and end the weeks of staring longingly at the apparatus! 

We are really lucky to have the trim trail and can't wait to use it during our playtimes and lunchtimes.

Thank you to the FOAS team for raising the funds; thank you to Mr. McFadden for topping up the funds and designing the trail; and finally thank you to everyone who has attended one of the school fundraisers, bought a raffle ticket or donated to our FOAS funds. We all really appreciate it!


If you wish to help support FOAS with their future projects then please get in touch via their page.
