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Acton CEVC Primary School

Strive. Support. Succeed

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Physical Education

At our school, our children:

  • persevere to develop their competence in order to excel in a broad range of physical activities;
  • are supportive and show compassion towards others when working together;
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time;
  • express their creativity through dance and gymnastics;
  • take pride and show courage when engaging in competitive sports and activities;
  • learn to trust in their own ability and others around them;
  • lead healthy, active lives.


We offer a rich and varied range of teaching approaches to achieve these ends, always striving to challenge every one of our pupils to make the maximum progress regardless of their starting point, with an understanding that different levels of support may be required to help them achieve their goals.


Inter Sport at Acton CEVC Primary School

We are regular participants in a range of inter-school competitions and festivals across the school year. Click here to read about our latest performances.
